Schedule in Zhuhai



09:30 Check-in
10:00 Starting
10:15 Using Python for "Meta Programming in Go"
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翁伟(Wuvist) Talk experience of using use python for pre-processing of golang, and achieve "Meta Programming Go". There are about 300K lines of golang code in the actual golang project, most of the golang code are generated by by "Python Compiler".
11:00 A simple front end framework with pure python
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潘俊勇 Techniques related to front end changes from time to time, javascript is hard to use, so is html. Besides, it is extremely hard to make your website support countless terminal. Now, use python, you can eaily create your powerful and supportive page.
11:50 Lunch+Photo
13:00 stackless python - creating a flow engine for microkernel
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陶文 (Business Process Management System (BPMS)). With it, you don't need to learn new flow control language, and you are able to define a flow in ten minutes with the knowledge of pure python. The system even support natively parallel work, it is possible to create a map/reduce flow with!
13:40 keep simple things simple and high performant
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黄毅 Share the experience during developing cython. And the design of cprogobuf and credis.
14:30 花蓮.py community story (
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魏泽人 (online from TW) How did build Python community in partial Township without Python user? These three or four years to participate in the open source community, and try to learn from the experience of the community, to contribute to the place.
15:00 Intermission
15:10 Hardware and software combination for Pythoneer
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王安宇 Intelligent hardware is an inevitable topic in mobile network time, open source hardware has brought huge develop space for internet, and make it possible for a lot of people, especially programmers, to join the whole IT. Share the knowledge about popular platform module and application case, wish to help all come up with new ideas.
15:50 Docker Registry Build By Python
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孟繁亮 What Python is capable of in the Docker system
16:00 Intermission
16:30 python suitable for high performance and web service?
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温铭 Share the experience during developing cython. And the design of cprogobuf and credis.
17:00 Luna one efficient KV database
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龙利民 In the process of constructing a big data real time system, problems like massive task queue, distributed storage will come up along. Lecture will be focusing on how to base on appropriate open source system frameworks, to develop your own system.
17:05 Intermission
17:15 Python web Asychronous Programming
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jeff Introducing the scenarios when we need asynchronous programming, tricks and methods during the migration from tornado to gevent.
Lighting Talks
18:00 闪电演讲1/录音; 优雅的异步 ~ OpenStack
18:05 闪电演讲2/录音; 标准库故事+爬虫
18:10 闪电演讲3/录音; QPython+GSoC 介绍
Canceled Talks
(ー`´ー) Python Practices for Android/Linux Development?
吴章金 System optimization - data rendering, imagical thinking; oscilloscope, power consumption, performance, temparature control and data visualization by python. Automatic test framework - find problems in advance, fast reproduce problems; Python + shell code snippets; program controlled switch and power and serial port, GPIB by python, python serial module; visualized kernel debugging; individual bug; color message received from serial port.
(ー`´ー) 改变语法,做更适合自己的Python!
赖勇浩 Pythonic 的打造自己工程的 SDL ,当然的,基于 Python 的工具箱


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