PyCon China 2011 Logo

PyCon China 2011

Is Here!

Dec 3, 2011 - Dec 4, 2011 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Shanghai, China


Time: 2011/12/3 9:30-2011/12/4 17:30

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Guido van Rossum
Guido van Rossum

Christmas, 1989: Python was invented by
Guido van Rossum.

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January, 1994: Python 1.0 Released.

September 5, 2000: Python 1.6 Released.

October 16, 2000: Python 2.0 Released.

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December 3, 2008: Python 3.0 Released.


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Speakers  查看详细演讲内容及日程安排 »

Chen Shixin

Sting Chen(Chen Shixin)

Title:Keynote - Python Enriches the World
Description:TopGeek Fuounder, Now employed at - a global leading modern technology company. Master degree in Computer Department from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1999. 13 years of experience of Internet technology and products,founded PMCamp community, also active in ThinkinLAMP,ShanghaiOnRails,CPyUG,GTUG and etc.
Shen Wei

Shen Wei

Title:Python, the Road to The Future
Description:A senioir python developer, author of eurasia - a high efficency server. Founder of Huzhou XunPu Information Technology Co., Ltd.; co-founder and CTO of Guangzhou Liu Bao Computer Technology Co., Ltd. .
Lin Wei

Lin Wei

Title:Python Exploration and Discovery of Game Development
Job:Senioir technology manager
Description:Netease senioir tech. manager,17 years of experience of programming.
Hung Qiangning

Hung Qiangning

Title:Python Application at Douban
Job:Chief Architect
Description: Chief Architect of Douban, first full time employer of Douban. Working on embedded systems, after graduating from Tsinghua University. Start to use python from 2002, becoming a software engineer from hardware engineer. Has solid understanding of how a computer programming language works at lower system level.
Damien Hou

Damien Hou

Title:Scale web application stack with coro-thread
Description:Google has the highest level of python developers. Founder of Python – Guido is at Google. Damien is from Slide, a Google Company.
Pan Junyong

Pan Junyong

Title:Technical inside of Everydo PaaS Cloud Development Platform
Job:Founder, CTO
Description:One of pioneers in python community, held Zope Chinese community in2002 , founder of ZOpen. Starting Internet software in 2007, released, specialized in enterprise cloud office application.
Huang Dong

Huang Dong

Title:Metering and Bandwidth Management in Large Scale Website
Job: Technology VP
Description: Dong Huang is currently employed as Technology VP at Tudou. In Charge of design and running many large scale high volume product and system. Is also co-founder and active with FreeBSD、Python communities, One of the founders of, is also actively helping many start-up projects. He created and xBaynet product series.
Chen Zheng

Chen Zheng

Title:SAE (Sina AppEngine) to achieve the python version
Description:Engineer at development center, in charge of Research and development of system platform, Multiple years of research and work experience of paradigm of cloud computing. From 2009, focused at new generation of could computing, Sina SAE(SinaApp Engine) and could storage service, focused at scalability and reliability of programs, automated testing and designing of computer language.
Ryan Ye

Ryan Ye

Title:A Python approach to implement Schemaless model on MySQL
Job:Tech Lead and Senior Software Engineer
Description: Specializing in developing web applications, social network games and iPhone apps. Interested in server architecture and game engines.
- Web application architecture design and performance optimization
- iPhone application development
- Game and graphic programming
- Engineering management
- Major programming language: Python, Javascript, Objc, ActionScript
- Familiar with Perl, C/C++, Java
Zhou Qi

Zoom.Quiet(Zhou Qi)

Title:Light Talk: make K.I.S.S web develop by MQ
Job:Process Improvement Manager
Description:Founder/Admin of Python Chinese Community , devoted in acitivies non-for-profit python community , AKA. Big Mummy, OBP and designer and host of PythoniCamp;participated and host many online/offline activities; producer of "Lovely Python"; Use Pythonic influence people into world of FLOSS where Learning / sharing / creation!Now employed at KingSoft
Li Yinghui

Limodou(Li Yinghui)

Title:Thoughts and Practise in Web Framework Development - Uliweb
Description:Founder of Python Chinese community and one of the key activists in Python, Author of popular editor - Ulipad , author of web framework – Uliweb.
Lai Yonghao

Lai Yonghao

Title:Python Usage in Web Games
Organization:JiangSu ShenDian
Description:Senior developer in Internet Games, Rich experience with python game development. Icon producnts: New generation MMOCAT “GrandTrip” and etc. Founder and one of the organizing group of Tech Slalom Pearl Delta.
Wang Jian

Wang Jian

Title:Python Usage in Medium Role Play Game Servers
Organization:Guangzhou HeiYa Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Job:GM and CTO
Description:CTO of Guangzhou HeiYa Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Wang Jianfeng

Wang Jianfeng

Title:Light Talk: Intro to OpenERP Solution and Extenstion
Description: Starting opensource ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) in 2005, touched many opensource ERP product. Held and joined Chinese translation for weberp, openbravo and openerp. Started to localize and introduce OpenERP (Original known as TinyERP).Focus on open source + Witkey commercial services model what is to achieve short and long term gains for open source programmers. Now concentrate on doing a remote secondary development team for OpenERP,Python is cool at ERP Secondary development,Enjoy it…… The owner of and project manager of Webibo: , Interests: ERP, opensource and Witkey
Diao Lizhi

Adieu(Diao Lizhi)

Title:Light Talk: Improvement of Xunlei Offline with Python - A Python Successful Story
Description:Independent programmer, Python Lover, Interested in Django and web development, Solving problems with small python programs in leisure .
Li Jundong

Li Jundong

Title:Light talk: on the Journey with Python
Description:11 years of experience, 8 years of side jobs with Python. Starting from DOS age, growing with Windows desktops, catching the fashion of the web, moving forward to cloud age.
Lin Jun

Lin Jun

Title:Light Talk: "Create realtime web app using Tornado"
Organization:Python-CN maillist administrator
Description:Lin Jun, python lover, python-cn maillist admin,interested in building cool apps with the help of python.
Sun Datong

Dndx(Sun Datong)

Title:Light Talk: "Develop of PyCon China offical website"
Description:PyCon China colunteer, built the offical website of PyCon China 2011, more information can be found on "Volunteer" page.
Martin Baehr

Martin(Martin Baehr)

Title:Light Talk: " - Learn and Practice Python"
Description:Martin is a Free Software Advocate, Programmer and UNIX Sysadmin. He came to China in 2008. He is using Python for packaging in the Foresight Linux distribution, when testing OLPC Activities and for some customer projects. His main work is on a Collaboration Platform in Pike. He is currently learning Lisp and creating tasks on Rosetta Code in the remaining spare time.
Wang Haofei

Haofei(Wang Haofei)

Title:Light Talk: "OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing platform written in Python"
Job:Software Engineer
Description:After graduated from HUST in 2007, I started my research on BlueRuby in SAP Labs. In 2011, I joined VMware to work on Cloud Computing.
Zhong Zifei

Zifei(Zhong Zifei)

Title:Light Talk: "Visualization of large-scale networking fabrics"
Organization:Shanghai Huyi Inc
Job:Co-founder & Director of Engineering
Description:The co-founder and director of engineering of Shanghai Huyi Inc. He graduated with a M.S. degree in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin. He had internship with Google (mountain view) in summer of 2007 and 2008, working on high performance networks and datacenter. He worked for Bloomberg LP (new york) during 2009-2010. He was the founder of SimplyCode, an open source project focusing on providing the best and simplest solutions for complex algorithm problems.

Media Support

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Python Chinese community.
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  1. Welcome Dinner
  2. Topics (1st Day)↓
    • Introduce organizers and sponsors
    • Introduce the conference - " Python makes the world more exciting "- Sting Chen
    • Video speeches from the Pythoners in the world.
    • " Python, the road to the future "- Wei Shen
    • " Exploring and discovering the game development in python "- Wei Lin
    • "Using Python in Douban.Com" - Hung Qiangning
    • "Scale web application stack with coro-thread" - Damien Hou
    • " Introduction of Easydo PaaS cloud developing platform technology "- Junyong Pan
    • " Billing and traffic management of large-scale video website "- Dong Huang
    • " Implementation of SAE (Sina AppEngine) in python "- Zheng Chen
  3. Dinner - Pythoners and speakers.
  4. Topics (2nd Day)↓
    • "A Python approach to implement Schemaless model on MySQL" - Ryan Ye
    • "Use Message Queue technology to develop web for KISS (Keep it simple, stupid). "- Zoom.Quiet (Qi Zhou)
    • "Thinking and practicing of Web framework developing - Uliweb "- Limodou (Yinghui Li)
    • "Applications of Webgame in Python "- Yonghao Lai
    • "Using Python to build medium-size role-playing online game server-side applications."- Jian Wang
  5. Lightning Talk (Product Demo or technical experience to share).↓
    • "Introduce OpenERP product and discuss how to develop more functions on it. "- Jianfeng Wang
    • "Improve Thunder offline by Python - A Successful Story of Python "- Adieu (Lizhi Diao)
    • "Experience of using Python "- Jundong Li
    • "Create realtime web app using Tornado" - Lin Jun
    • "Development of PyCon China offical website" - Sun Datong
    • - Learn and Practice Python - Martin Baehr
    • "OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing platform written in Python" - Wang Haofei
    • "Visualization of large-scale networking fabrics" - Zhong Zifei
    • "Occupational planning for engineers" - Song Jinliang
    • "Workend, where developer meets designer" - Steven.Yang

Agenda »

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PyCon.Org is an international community for the Python programming language holds several conferences each year.

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  1. PyCon China 2011 Will also webcast on Internet:
  2. PyCon China 2011 official website on-line
  3. PyCon China Weibo @PyConCN on line