
pythoneer ~ "A pioneer within the Python programming language community." means, Pythoneer COOL than Pythonista, btw Pythoner just Python beginner.




永泰红磡养老产业投资集团的信息技术总监;在14年的互联网生涯后,投身到到永泰红磡养老产业投资集团做夕阳事业,跨界发展. 他是TopGeek技术社区的创办人也是上海GDG的负责人,并参与CPyUG社区的管理. 还发起PMCamp产品经理社区,儿童社区乐创园等 http://weibo.com/stingchen http://sting.topgeek.org/

Zoom.Quiet (大妈)

Zoom.Quiet (大妈)

One of originator for CPyUG(China Python User Group) / administrator; Enthusiastic python community welfare, well-known community "DAMA"; OBP and PythoniCamp project designer / manager; attend and originator all kinds of online / offline tech evnets, presided compiled "lovely Python"; keeping usage Pythonic to reclaim people entering the FLOSS world learning / sharing / innovate! currently work for CMCM. http://weibo.com/zoomquiet http://blog.zoomquiet.io/

Eric Lo(罗小能)

Eric Lo(罗小能)

从2008年开始使用Python并喜欢上Python, 活跃于沪上各类线下技术社区, 同时参与组织TopGeek和PMCamp社区, 目前就职于上海菜根科技有限公司. http://weibo.com/lxneng http://lxneng.com



通联数据 程序员;基于OpenStack的IaaS平台开发者,生命苦短,我用Python https://github.com/rothcold http://weibo.com/rothcold

Technical Volunteers



Topsec Coder; Pythoneer, network security student; Clumsy birds have to start flying early is my motto, i will do my best to PyCon China https://github.com/chencoyote http://weibo.com/coytoe



Graduate Student, keen on Python, try to solve everything via Python; Feeling like and good at communication, happy to collaborate with others. Wish computer make life better. https://github.com/zijing07 http://weibo.com/coderzhao

Todd Gao

Todd Gao

A graduate student in Shanghai, interested in distributed computing and related, Python pragmaticist. https://github.com/7c00

xen0n (王雪瑞)

xen0n (王雪瑞)

Open-source developer, full-stack Web developer; currently pursuing a Master's degree in Jiangnan University. Actively participating in community ever since; interested in all kinds of things, but the current technological favorites are emerging technologies such as PyPy and Rust. Compulsive about code style. Gentoo Linux user, vim user. Hope my projects can bring warmth and happiness to the people around. https://github.com/xen0n

Conference Volunteers

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