Sponsors provided essential support to PyCon conference. If you and your company are willing to support the Python community exchanges, please contact PyCon organizers (e-mail: stingchen@topgeek.org). Your Company Logo and Profile will be shown on home page and the "Sponsors" page at our official website .
Google is a search service provided, to provide advertising services to business customers focus on the profitability of the company.Search Google for its rapid, accurate and easy to use, etc., is recognized as the world's best search engine.
Kingsoft Network Technology Co., Ltd. was established in November 2010, is headquartered in Beijing, its predecessor is the security software Kingsoft Co., Ltd. and cattle.The two companies completed in October 2010, merger integration, the establishment of a new network Technology Co., Ltd. Jinshan.Kingsoft Internet Security Kingsoft Co., Ltd. has inherited a strong scientific and technological R & D capabilities and beef products on the Internet's keen ability to respond to millions of Internet users to a variety of Internet security as the core application services.Kingsoft Kingsoft Internet Security Laboratory and R & D centers set up in Zhuhai.
SpeedyCloud是业界领先的云计算服务提供商迅达云成公司旗下品牌,专注于为企业提供互联网及企业IT相关基础设施云服务。公司成员绝大多数来自于蓝汛、世纪互联等IT运维服务型上市企业, 利用最新的云计算及互联网技术帮助客户迅速扩展在线业务。
北京图灵文化发展有限公司成立于2005年6月,由人民邮电出版社投资控股,以策划出版高质量的科技书籍为核心业务,主要出版领域包括计算机、电子电气、数学统计、科普等,公司以促进科技发展为己任,通过引进国际高水平的教材、专著,以及发掘国内优秀原创作品等方式,为目标读者提供一流的内容。经过短短几年的发展,图灵公司已经成为计算机出版行业里较有影响的出版单位。公司推出了一系列高质量的畅销技术图书,如《C++ Primer中文版》、《UNIX环境高级编程》、《Linux程序设计》等,都已经成为深受广大程序员欢迎的经典著作,公司对于计算机技术发展趋势有较强的把握能力和独到的眼光,出版的图书紧跟各种技术的发展,及时满足了行业需要。在电子电气领域,公司出版了一系列国际知名专家的著作,不少作者是IEEE资深会士和业界精英。在数学方面,公司翻译和影印了一大批获菲尔兹奖和沃尔夫奖的数学家的作品,有力地开拓了读者的视野。
Seeed Studio is an open hardware facilitation company based in Shenzhen, China. Benefiting from local manufacture power and convenient global logistic system, we integrate resources to serve new era of innovation. Seeed also works with global distributors and partners to push open hardware movement.
InfoQ.com (Information Queue) is a moment of change in the enterprise software development and innovation in the field of independent online community, the reader audience is mainly technical architect, technical team leader (senior developer), and project managers.Experts from the various technical fields through the latest news, technical articles, video interviews, video lectures and mini-books, InfoQ as Java,. NET, Ruby, SOA, agile, architecture, and the seven communities provide first-class operation and maintenance information.InfoQ station was officially launched worldwide on June 8, 2006, InfoQ Chinese station was officially launched on March 28, 2007, to the communities we serve to promote the progress of the primary mission.