
pythoneer ~ "A pioneer within the Python programming language community." means Pythoneer COOL than Pythonista. btw Pythoner just Python beginner.




永泰红磡养老产业投资集团的信息技术总监;在14年的互联网生涯后,投身到到永泰红磡养老产业投资集团做夕阳事业,跨界发展. 他是TopGeek技术社区的创办人也是上海GDG的负责人,并参与CPyUG社区的管理. 还发起PMCamp产品经理社区,儿童社区乐创园等 http://weibo.com/stingchen http://sting.topgeek.org/

Zoom.Quiet (大妈)

Zoom.Quiet (大妈)

One of originator for CPyUG(China Python User Group) / administrator; Enthusiastic python community welfare, well-known community "DAMA"; OBP and PythoniCamp project designer / manager; attend and originator all kinds of online / offline tech evnets, presided compiled "lovely Python"; keeping usage Pythonic to reclaim people entering the FLOSS world learning / sharing / innovate! currently work for CMCM. http://weibo.com/zoomquiet http://zoomquiet.io/

Technical Volunteers

Conference Volunteers

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