PyCon China

Most of 2021 has passed, and most of it has passed in a blink of an eye. We have experienced many things together. Fight COVID-19 together, cheer for the athletes in the Tokyo Olympics, work hard for your future, and share your achievements with your family happily together.

In the year that is about to end, you must have a lot of gains, and you must also have a lot of questions. You must want to have an opportunity for you and like-minded friends in the community to get together and share your experiences with each other.

So, PyCon China 2021 is here! As in previous years, we will, as always, bring you a wonderful presentation conference this year, let us enjoy the joy and happiness that Python brings to us.

This year is the eleventh year of PyCon China. In the past ten years, we have gained a lot of recognition. We have also become one of the most influential Python conferences in the world. In the next ten years, we will, as always, maintain our original intention and continue to serve everyone better.

There is an old saying that “a conference is not a matter of one person, but a group of people”, so here we welcome every student who loves the Python community to join us, participate in our work, and let us make this year’s conference together Become a Dream Conference! Yes, we need you!